 ZHU Zhong- xiao,GU O Hua- ru.On Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in University from the Perspective of Marxism “Sinicization, Epochal ization and Popularization”[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2011,12(01):110-113.





On Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in University from the Perspective of Marxism “Sinicization, Epochal ization and Popularization”
朱忠孝 郭华茹
常州大学文法与艺术学院, 江苏常州213164
ZHU Zhong- xiao GU O Hua- ru
Schoo l o f Humanities, Law and Ar t, Changzhou Univ ersity, Chang zho u 213164, China
马克思主义 中国化 时代化 大众化 思想政治理论课
Marxism sinicizat ion epo chalization po pularizat io n ideolo gical and polit ical theo ry
不断推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化, 是党的十七届四中全会提出的建设马克思主义学习型政党, 提高全党思 想政治水平的重要举措之一, 同时也为高校思想政治理论课教学提出了新的要求和提供了发展机遇。面临思想文化多样化、学习 阅读快餐化、学习追逐功利化等诸多挑战, 高校思想政治理论课教学, 要在教学内容上重点加强马克思主义基本原理和马克思主 义中国化理论成果教学; 在教育对象上加强对当代大学生特点的研究, 增强教学针对性; 在教学主体上加强思想政治理论课教师 队伍建设; 在教学手段上善于应用多媒体等现代教学手段。这既是在高校推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的有效途径, 也是增强高校思想政治理论课实效性的有益探索。
Keeping promo ting sinicizat io n, epo chalizatio n and popularizat ion o f Mar xism, pro posed in the Fo urth Plenary Sessio n o f the Seventeenth Cent ral Commit tee o f the CPC. , is one of the important measures in building a learning- oriented Marx ist polit ical Party and impro ving the Par ty 's ideolog ical and po litical lev el . Meanwhile, it also puts forw ard new requirements and pr ovides opportunit ies for development in ideolog ical and polit ical theory teaching. Facing so many challeng es as the ideolo gical and cultural diversity, fast - foo d learning and r eading , and chasing utilitarian learning , some ef fect ive measures must be taken in ideolo gical and po litical theory teaching . T he teaching co ntent must be focused on the basic principles of Marx ism and the theoret ical achiev ement s of Marxism in China ; As for the o bject of educat ion, research should be laid on the characterist ics of contemporary co lleg e student s, st rengthening corresponding teaching; Fo r the teaching subject , the const ruct ion of teaching faculty of “Tw o Courses”must be enhanced; Besides, moder n teaching methods like mul timedia sho uld be applied pr operly . It is not o nly an ef fective w ay in promo ting “s inicization, epochal ization and popular izat ion”of Mar xism in univ ersit ies, but a posit ive research on the ef fect iv eness of ideological and polit ical theory .


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作者简介: 朱忠孝( 1967—) , 男, 河北万全人, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事思想政治教育和马克思主义哲学研究。         郭华茹( 1954- ) , 女, 湖北襄阳人, 教授, 主要从事思想政治教育和党建理论研究。  基金项目: 江苏省思想政治教育研究课题( SGSY2009YB369) ; 常州大学理论与实践研究会课题( LSY10020010)
更新日期/Last Update: 2011-03-25