 Liu Jishuang,Ye Ting,Ren Baoquan.On the Development Quality Evaluation and Dynamic Trend of Producer Services in China[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2020,21(03):55-65.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2020.03.007]





On the Development Quality Evaluation and Dynamic Trend of Producer Services in China
Liu Jishuang Ye Ting Ren Baoquan
生产性服务业 发展质量 全要素生产率 动态趋势
producer services development quality total factor productivity dynamic trend
生产性服务业能否高质量发展事关我国产业转型升级和经济高质量增长目标能否实现。基于2006—2018年生产性服务业上市公司数据,运用DEA-Malmquist指数法,分别从产业整体、分行业、分产权性质等层面,测算全要素生产率变化率及其分解指标,探究生产性服务业的发展质量。结果显示:2007—2018年,生产性服务业全要素生产率呈年均正增长趋势,但波动幅度较大; 相对增长速度先减后增,部分年份为负增长; 技术进步率年均增速不断下滑; 技术效率总体年均增速为负。就分行业而言,节能与环保服务业、生产性支持服务业发展缓慢,高端生产性服务业全要素生产率均值之差正负交替,且总体年均增速小于低端生产性服务业; 就分产权性质而言,国有生产性服务业企业全要素生产率增速低于非国有企业。因此,要从提高技术进步率和技术效率、培育国内市场需求、坚持混合所有制改革等方面推动我国生产性服务业的高端化发展。
The high quality development of producer services in China has an impact on the realization of the goal of industrial transformation and upgrading and high quality economic growth. Based on the data of listed companies of producer services from 2006 to 2018, the DEA-Malmquist method is applied to measure the change rate of the total factor productivity(TFP)and its decomposition indicators from the aspects of the whole industry, industry classifications and companies with different property rights and the development quality of producer services is discussed. The results show that although the TFP of producer services increased annually and averagely from 2007 to 2018, it fluctuated greatly; the relative growth rate decreased first and then increased with the negative growth in certain years; the average annual growth rate of technical progress continued to decline; and the overall average annual growth rate of technical efficiency was still negative. In terms of industry classifications, the energy conservation and environmental protection service industry and the productive support service industry developed slowly. The mean value differences of TFP of the high-end producer services alternated positively and negatively and the general average annual growth rate was less than that of the low-end producer services. In terms of companies with different property rights, the growth rate of TFP of state-owned producer services enterprises was lower than that of the non-state-owned enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the high-end development of producer services in China in the aspects of improving the rate of technological progress and efficiency, fostering domestic market demand and adhering to the reform of mixed ownership.


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作者简介:刘吉双,经济学博士,盐城师范学院商学院教授,常州大学商学院硕士研究生导师; 叶婷,常州大学商学院硕士研究生; 任保全,经济学博士,常州大学商学院副教授、硕士研究生导师。
基金项目:国家社会科学基金一般项目“生态位理论视角下我国战略性新兴产业跃迁式升级路径研究”(19BJY091); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目“财政补贴对我国生产性服务业生产率的影响效应研究”(KYCX19_1733)。
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-06-30