 Chen Kuiqing,Yu Xiaojin.Social Learning or Social Exchange: Exploring the Influencing Mechanism of Inclusive Leadership on Employee Voice[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2018,19(04):41-54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2018.04.005]





Social Learning or Social Exchange: Exploring the Influencing Mechanism of Inclusive Leadership on Employee Voice
Chen KuiqingYu Xiaojin
包容型领导 建言行为 领导-成员交换 建言效能感
inclusive leadership voice behavior leader-member exchange voice efficacy
整合社会交换和社会学习理论,基于270份高科技企业领导与员工的配对问卷调查,考察了包容型领导对员工促进性建言与抑制性建言行为的影响机理,并比较分析了领导-成员交换和建言效能感的双重中介作用。实证分析结果发现:领导-成员交换和建言效能感在包容型领导影响员工建言行为的过程中均发挥中介作用; 建言效能感在包容型领导对员工促进性建言行为的影响中发挥的中介效应显著强于领导-成员交换; 领导-成员交换在包容型领导对员工抑制性建言行为的影响中发挥的中介效应显著强于建言效能感。研究结论表明,虽然社会交换和社会学习理论都能解释包容型领导对员工建言行为的作用机制; 但对不同类型的建言行为,两种理论的解释力有所差异。
Integrating the theories of social exchange and social learning, the influencing mechanism of inclusive leadership on employees’ promotive and prohibitive voice behaviors is analyzed based on 270 paired questionnaires between hi-tech enterprise leaders and their employees and the dual mediating effects of leader-member exchange and voice efficacy are compared. The empirical study demonstrates that both leader-member exchange and voice efficacy mediate during the process of inclusive leadership influencing employee voice behavior; the mediating effects of voice efficacy are obviously stronger than those of leader-member exchange in the aspect of promotive voice behavior; the mediating effects of leader-member exchange are obviously stronger than those of voice efficacy in the aspect of prohibitive voice behavior. The results suggest that both social exchange and social learning theories can explain the underlying mechanisms of inclusive leadership on employee voice behavior, but the explanatory power of the two theories is different in terms of different types of voice behavior.


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作者简介:陈奎庆,常州大学商学院研究员、硕士生导师; 于小进,常州大学商学院硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-07-28