LIU Yong- bao.Confl icts and Coordination in the Identif ication
and Verif ication of Work Injury Resulting from Traf f ic Accidents[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2007,8(02):24-27.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Confl icts and Coordination in the Identif ication
and Verif ication of Work Injury Resulting from Traf f ic Accidents
- 作者:
江苏工业学院法政系, 江苏常州213164
- Author(s):
LIU Yong- bao
Law Depart ment of Jiangsu Po lytechnic Univer sity , Changzhou 213164, China
- 关键词:
交通事故; 工伤认定; 冲突; 协调
- Keywords:
t raff ic accident ; identif icat ion and v erif icat ion of w or k injure; conf lict s; coordinat ion
- 分类号:
D915. 7
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
由于理论与立法的原因, 对劳动者因交通事故受到伤害是否构成工伤的认定存在冲突, 突出表现在“机动车还是非机动
车事故”、“上下班”、“途中”及对“违反治安管理伤亡”的理解上的冲突。协调这些冲突, 需进一步加强理论研究, 完善有关法
律规定, 统一交通事故工伤认定标准, 加强交通事故工伤认定指导。
- Abstract:
Due to certain theoretical and leg islat ive reasons, ther e ex ist s co nf lict s co ncer ning ident ification
and v erif icat ion of w ork injures in practice. T he issue concerns w hether the injur y result ing f rom the tr aff ic
accident const itutes w ork injury. Specially ther e are dif ferent interpretat ions of “vehicle and non- v ehicle
n/ of f duty ”and “en route”,
and “t he injur y and death resulted f rom the v iolat io n of public
In or der to co ordinate these confl ict s, We must g o on w ith the fur ther theor et ical study, perfect
the related law s and regulations, and integ rate the ident if ication and ver if icat ion standar ds betw een w ork
injury and t raf fic accident , and st rengthen the r elated supervisio n in order to make correct ident if icatio n.
[1] 陈碧贤. 工伤认定之实质性标准初探—— 兼论几种特殊工
伤的认定[J] . 中国劳动, 2006 ( 8) : 31- 32.
[2] 陈红玲. 论和谐社会与社会保障制度建设[J] . 时代金融,
2006 ( 8) : 130- 131.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 刘永宝( 1963- ) , 男, 江苏兴化人, 硕士, 讲师, 主要从事经济合同法研究。
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