[1]谭 明,方心远.国外职业咨询话语分析方法介评[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2012,13(02):28-32.
 T AN Ming,FANG Xin- yuan.An Introduction of Discourse Analyses of Vocational Counseling and Its Developmen[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2012,13(02):28-32.





An Introduction of Discourse Analyses of Vocational Counseling and Its Developmen
谭 明1 方心远2
1. 江苏技术师范学院杂志社, 江苏常州213001; 2. 南京大学材料科学与工程系, 江苏南京210046
T AN Ming 1 FANG Xin- yuan2
1. Mag azine ( Jour nal) Compa ny , Jiang su T eacher s Univer sity of T echnolg y, Chang zho u 213001 China; 2. Depar tment o f Mater ials Science and Eng ineering , Nanjing Univ ersit y, Nanjing 210046 China
话语分析 职业咨询 职业发展
disco urse analy sis vo cat ional co unseling vocat ional dev elo pment
C923. 8
主要在分析话语分析的内涵、作用及其发展过程基础上, 阐述在职业咨询中影响话语分析有效性的基本因素包括交谈、 解构、能力/ 知识、心理情结、意识形态和身份等。对话语分析的研究, 能促使个体在职业咨询和发展中产生自我反思批评的可 能性, 从而提高来访者的道德意识和公正心。
T his ar ticle, mainly based o n the connotat ions, funct ions and development process of it s analy tical disco urse, ex pounds the basic factors o f ef fectiveness, w hich inf luence the discourse analy ses in vocatio nal counseling , including talk, deconst ruct ion, intel lig ence / know ledge, psycholo gical complex , ideolog y and ident ity , etc. T he study o f disco urse analyses helps to cause the possibilit ies of self reflection in the v ocat ional counsel ing and it s development , thus enhancing the sense o f morality and just ice of the subjects.


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作者简介: 谭 明( 1960- ) , 男, 黑龙江哈尔滨人, 编审, 主要从事职业心理、高等职业教育、成人教育研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2012-06-25