[1]邹 兵,谢杏利.大学生生命态度调查与高校教育对策探析[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2012,13(01):109-112.
 ZOU Bing,XIE Xing- li.A Survey of University Students’Attitude toward Life and An Analysis of Higher Educational Countermeasures[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2012,13(01):109-112.





A Survey of University Students’Attitude toward Life and An Analysis of Higher Educational Countermeasures
邹 兵1 谢杏利2
1. 蚌埠医学院临床医学一系, 安徽蚌埠233030; 2. 蚌埠医学院心理学教研室, 安徽蚌埠233030
ZOU Bing 1 XIE Xing- li2
1. The First Depar tment of Clinical Medicine, Bengbu Medica l College, Beng bu 233030, China; 2. Psy cho lo gical Tea ching and Resear ch Section, Bengbu Medical Co lleg e, Beng bu 233030, China )
大学生 自杀态度 生命教育 校园预防
university student s att itude tow ards suicide life educat ion campus pr ev ent io n
G40- 059. 1 
高校自杀事件时有发生, 反映出部分大学生不能成熟、理性地对待生命, 构建有效的生命教育体系刻不容缓。大学生生 命态度调查显示: 大学生总体上对自杀持否定态度, 但部分学生对自杀认识存在偏差, 思维片面化和自我中心严重, 甚至在一些 维度表现出对生命的漠视; 大学生对自杀者持否定和排斥认识; 大学生对安乐死持矛盾或中立态度。高校应认真研究自杀预防措 施, 加强生命教育, 引导大学生明确生活目标, 树立积极健康的生命价值观。
The phenomenon of university student suicides ref lect that some student s can no t t reat the life maturely and rat io nally . It is ur gent to building an effect ive pr event iv e mechanism. The survey result s show that student s had neg ative att itude tow ards suicide generally , but some student s had biased, onesided and self- centered thinking of suicide, even show n disreg ard for life in some of the dimensions. Colleg e student s ho ld cont radicto ry or neutr al at t itude towar ds euthanasia. Most student s hav e aw ar eness of neg at ive and exclusion on suicide. U niv ersity teachers sho uld study suicide prevent ion measures and guide students to make sure life goals, response to the cr isis correct ly , enhance correct sense of the value of life.


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作者简介: 邹 兵( 1976- ) , 男, 河南确山人, 硕士, 讲师, 主要从事大学生思想政治与心理健康教育研究。 通讯作者: 谢杏利( 1978- ) , 女, 河南郏县人, 硕士, 讲师, 主要从事基础心理学与大学生心理健康教育研究。  基金项目: 蚌埠医学院科研基金资助项目( BYFD1004)
更新日期/Last Update: 2012-03-25