[1]刘润刚[ ],何文杰[ ].大学生的价值观对其求职说谎行为之回归分析[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2007,8(02):65-68.
 LIU Run- g ang HE Wen- jie.Study of the Regression of Col lege Students' Values to the Intendancy of Their Deceptive Behaviors in Job- hunting Process[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2007,8(02):65-68.





Study of the Regression of Col lege Students' Values to the Intendancy of Their Deceptive Behaviors in Job- hunting Process
刘润刚[ 1] 何文杰[ 2]
1、江苏工业学院法政系; 2、江苏工业学院国际教育交流学院, 江苏常州213164
LIU Run- g ang 1HE Wen- jie2
1、Depar tment of Law and Politics, Jiang su Poly technic Univer sity , Cha ng zho u 213164, China 2 、The Schoo l of International Educatio n & Ex chang e, Jiang su Po lytechnic Univer sity , Changzhou 213164, China
大学生 价值观 求职 说谎行为
college student s values jo b hunt ing decept iv e behaviors.
B841. 7
采用实验的方法对当前大学生在求职过程中的说谎行为现象进行了研究。将来自不同性别、院校性质、学历、学科、家 庭来源及不同就业压力感的被试791 名随机分配到16 种实验处理情境当中, 并根据罗克奇的价值观问卷对大学生的价值观进行 了测量。研究发现, 大学生的价值观对于其求职说谎行为具有一定的预测作用。
As fo r the college student s'decept ive behavior s in jo b- hunt ing pr ocess, a study has been made in ex perimental metho d. 791 co llege student s f rom different genders, colleges and univ ersities, educational levels, subjects, family orig ins and w ith dif ferent jo b- hunt ing pr essure w er e assig ned to 16 experimental enviro nment s randomly . T he student s' v alues ar e measured by Rokeach's quest ionair e on values ( adapted) . The study show s that their values are v al id to pr edict their deceptive behav io rs.


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作者简介: 刘润刚( 1980—) , 男, 山东胶南人, 助教, 主要从事大学生人格发展研究。  基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 70271017)
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-06-25