 WANG Lina,REN Zhongping.Interaction and Mutual Progress of People's Livelihood and Democracy —Based on the Field Research on “San Min Project”of Zhangtan Street in Quzhou[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2012,13(02):18-22.





Interaction and Mutual Progress of People's Livelihood and Democracy —Based on the Field Research on “San Min Project”of Zhangtan Street in Quzhou
王莉娜 任中平
西华师范大学政治与行政学院, 四川南充637002
WANG Li—na REN Zhong—ping
Scho ol of Politics and Administr atio n, Xihua No rma l Univ ersity, Na nchong , 637002, China
民生 民主 “三民工程” 互动共进
peo ple's livelihood democracy “S an Min Project” interact ion and mutual pro gress
民生与民主是新农村建设必不可少的要素。“三民工程”主要指建立民情档案凸显民生诉求, 沟通民情活动反映民主需 求, 为民办事全程服务, 将民情档案的民生诉求在民情沟通的民主活动中体现出来, 以使干部针对需求提供相应服务——彰显民 生与民主的互动共进。当前工作中存在着涉及民生的内容信息更新速度较慢; 民情沟通活动中民主未能充分体现; 为民办事全程 服务中村干部服务意识不强, 便民服务中心作用较小等问题。要进一步加强对村民的继续教育, 端正干部的工作态度; 加强对村 民的动员宣传, 增强村民的民主意识; 以促进
Peo ple' s liveliho od and democracy are the essent ial element s of the new r ural const ruct ion. “Sanmin Project”means the creation o f the public sent iment f iles to highlight the aspirat ion of the people; the communication act ivit ies ref lect ing the democrat ic needs; full - ser vice for public to present the demo crat ic needs in the f iles in the communication act ivit ies. So the off icials can pro vide the corresponding services catering to dif ferent needs w hich hig hl ig ht the interact ion and mutual progr ess o f peo ple' s liveliho od and democracy. There are some problems in the present w or k: the update of the informat ion of the people' s liveliho od is slow ; the democr acy isn't fully ref lected in the communicat ion activit ies; the sense of service o f some villag e o ff icials isn' t st rong in the full- serv ice; the ro le o f convenience service center is too small. It is necessar y to carry on the co nt inuing educat ion o f villagers, forge a right w orking at titude of off icials, enhance the mobilizat io n of the villag er s, raise the democr at ic aw ar eness of villagers, so as to promote the economic development of villag e col lect iv e economy , the progr ess of democr acy, and the enfo rcement of convenience service.


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作者简介: 王莉娜( 1987- ) , 女, 福建石狮人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事基层民主与基层治理研究。  基金项目: 国家社会科学基金项目( 11BZZ015) ; 教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务项目( 10JDJNJD240)
更新日期/Last Update: 2012-06-25