[1]郝永梅,邵 辉,王凯全,等.安全工程专业课程体系完善的思考[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2009,10(01):105-108.
 HA O Yong- mei,SHAOHui,WA NG Kai- quan,et al.Thinking on Curriculum System Improvement of Safety Engineering[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2009,10(01):105-108.





Thinking on Curriculum System Improvement of Safety Engineering
郝永梅 邵 辉 王凯全 章昌顺 薛 勇 葛秀坤
江苏工业学院环境与安全工程学院, 江苏常州213164
HA O Yong- mei SHAO Hui WA NG Kai- quan ZHANG Chang- shun XU E Yo ng GE Xiu- kun
Scho ol of Env iro nmental a nd Safety Eng ineering , Jiangsu Po ly technic Univer sity , Chang zho u 213164, China
大工程观 安全工程专业 课程体系完善
the idea of larg e- scale eng ineering safety engineering curriculum system improvement
G632. 3
我国安全工程专业课程体系的建设还存在诸多不完善的地方, 其结构上缺乏系统性、整体性, 知识之间关联性不够, 内 容上不能真正反映安全工程专业知识体系的内涵。大工程观作为一种现代高等工程教育理念, 要求工程教育提供综合的知识背 景, 强调工程的实践性, 培养学生的创造性。应以大工程观教育理念为指导, 探索安全工程专业课程体系的新模式, 从结构和内 容上进行体系性调整和完善, 使其在知识结构上体现宽与专的统一, 在内容上体现科学、技术和人文知识的相互交叉和融合, 突 出安全专业特色, 以更好地培养适应新时期社
The pr oblems ex ist in the curr iculum sy stem const ruct ion of Safety Engineering in our count ry , such as lacking system and w hole in st ructure, irrelevance of the know ledg e and inadequate co ntent s. A s an idea in hig her engineering educat io n, the idea of large- scale engineering requires that engineering educat ion prov ide compr ehensiv e know ledg e backg round, emphasize the pract ical aspect s and cult iv ate students' creat iv ity . Guided by the idea of large - scale engineering, the curriculum system o f safety eng ineer ing should be o pt imized and impr oved form it s st ructure and content sy stematically, to ful ly embody the unity of breadth and specialty in st ructur e, the melt ing and blending of science, technique and humanity know ledg e in the content s, and st ress character ist ic of Safety Engineering . The new pat tern w ill be helpful in t raining talent s adaptive to the development o f social eco nomy and techno logy .


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作者简介: 郝永梅( 1970- ) , 女, 重庆万州人, 硕士, 高级工程师, 主要从事安全管理、安全检测技术研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25