JING Gu- ping.Practice and Research on the Solely- enrol lment in General College[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2007,8(02):54-55.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Practice and Research on the Solely- enrol lment in General College
- 作者:
江苏工业学院应用技术学院, 江苏常州213164
- Author(s):
JING Gu- ping
Depar tment of the Applied T echno lo gy of Jiang su Polytechnic Univ ersity , Chang zho u 213164, China
- 关键词:
普通本科院校; 对口单招; 教育分类; 管理模式; 高等职业教育体系
- Keywords:
g ener al colleges; so lely- enrollment ; educat ional div ision; management model ; system of the
hig her vocat io nal educatio n
- 分类号:
G718. 5
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
普通高等院校举办的对口单招教育在实践中遇到了很多的困难, 学生的毕业率和学位率明显偏低, 毕业生的文化素质和
技能水平达不到相应要求, 毕业生质量不高直接影响到就业并进一步影响生源的质量, 走入恶性循环。对口单招教育考试制度的
不健全和普通高校本身条件的限制是造成这一现象的根本原因, 从短期来说, 普通高等学校可以通过适当调整培养目标、改变管
理模式、采取有效的补充教育形式等途径提高对口单招教育的质量, 从长远来说, 普通高校应该停止对口单招教育的招生, 通过
建设一批本科层次的高等职业技术学院, 才有可
- Abstract:
The solely - enrollment in g eneral co lleges are faced w ith many dif ficult ies in pract ice, for
example, the percentag e of the student s w ho can graduate and receive the degree is o bviously low er, the
literacy abil ity and the technolog y level of the g raduates fail to meet w ith the g iven requir ement s. T he level
of g raduates has influence on the obtaining employment of themselves dir ect ly and even on the source
co lleg e enrollment , w hich falls into a vicious circle. T his phenomenon is mainly caused by the imperfect
examinatio n sy stem of the solely- enrollment and the limitat ion in the g eneral co lleges. In the sho rt term,
the gener al colleges could improv e the educat ional quality of the solely - enrol lment by mo difying the
cult ivat ing object , chang ing the manag ement model and adopting the supplement- educat ion and so o n. In
the long r un, the gener al colleges should co nstr uct vo cat io nal col leg es w hich can gr ant the bachelor
degr ees rather than per forming the solely - enro llment . Only in this w ay could the higher vocational
educat ion develop rapidly and smoo thly .
[1] 杨金土. 联合国教科文组织国际教育标准分类[J] . 机械职
业教育, 1997 ( 1) : 41- 45.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 荆谷平( 1966- ) , 男, 江苏金坛人, 硕士, 助理研究员, 主要从事教育管理和教育研究。
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