Ke Wei,Feng Haishu.Comparison and Enlightenment of the Overseas Legal System Protection of the Right to be Forgotten[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2019,20(04):9-19.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2019.04.002]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Comparison and Enlightenment of the Overseas Legal System Protection of the Right to be Forgotten
- 作者:
柯卫; 冯海舒
- Author(s):
Ke Wei; Feng Haishu
- 关键词:
域外; 被遗忘权; 法律制度; 制度保护; 比较
- Keywords:
overseas; the right to be forgotten; legal system; comparison of system protection’
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The right to be forgotten is a right of information subject to require the search engine operators to delete damaging and outdated personal information on the Internet. At present, Chinese legislative system hasn’t dealt with the forgotten issue of personal data, which leads to the lack of legal basis for personal information maintenance and ineffective legal protection of data subjects. Through the research of the establishing and developing courses of the right to be forgotten, comparing and analyzing the differences between the European Union and the United States in the legal protection of the right to be forgotten, based on the new characteristics of personal information security in the Internet era, some enlightenment for Chinese legislation can be obtained: the personal information protection law should be made as soon as possible, which is the foundation and reference for the establishment of the right to be forgotten; the right to be forgotten is a fundamental human right which should be incorporated into Chinese legal system; the right to be forgotten should focus on protecting juveniles, whose personal information deserves more attention and special protection from the right to be forgotten; in the trend of open data, the dynamic balance between protection and utilization should be kept, the coordinated development of personal information protection and data utilization should be promoted, so that the right to be forgotten can be effectively protected as a real legal right.
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