XU Shi- mi.Moral Metaphysical Theory Construction and Moral Physics Practice Reshape
——Reviewing On the Moral Responsibil ity by Dr. Guo Jin- hong[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2009,10(01):115-116.
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Moral Metaphysical Theory Construction and Moral Physics Practice Reshape
——Reviewing On the Moral Responsibil ity by Dr. Guo Jin- hong
- 作者:
华中科技大学教育科学研究院, 湖北武汉430074
- Author(s):
XU Shi- mi
I nstitute of Educat ion and Science, Huazhong Univer sity of Science and T echnolog y , Wuhan 430074, China
- 关键词:
道德责任; 道德形上; 道德形下
- Keywords:
mor al responsibil ity ; moral metaphy sical theory ; moral physics pract ice
- 分类号:
B82- 02
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
德责任这一论题, 界定了道德责任的概念, 阐明了道德责任的特征, 辨析了道德责任的类型, 揭示了道德责任的特点, 构建了道
德责任研究的学术框架。《道德责任论》着眼于“道德形上”理论建构的同时, 没有忽略“道德形下”实践的重塑, 既具理论性、
又有现实性, 体现了作者勇于探索、创新的理论勇气, 关注现实、热爱生活、追求美好的实践品格, 体现了伦理学研究“体用合
- Abstract:
Ethics should not only be concerned abo ut “moral metaphysics”,
but also face the r eality of social
development in the process o f ethical pract ice. Dr. Guo Jinho ng 's book named On Moral Respo nsibility
takes mor al responsibility as the co re, def ines the concept of mo ral responsibility , clarifies the
characterist ics o f moral responsibility , analy zes the ty pe of mor al responsibility, rev eals the characterist ics
of mo ral responsibility , and builds the academic f ramew ork of studying moral respo nsibility. The book
fo cuses o n “mor al metaphy sical”theor y co nstr uctio n, at the same t ime, w itho ut losing moral phy sics
pr act ice reshape. Being both theoret ical and r ealist ic, it reflect s the author' s courage of ex plor at ion and
cr eat ion, his pract ical v ir tue of concerning reality , love o f life, and pursuit of beauty . The boo k embo dies
the dist inct features of “Unificat ion o f onto logy and use”in ethics r esearch.
[1] 郭金鸿. 道德责任论[M] . 北京: 人民出版社, 2008: 154.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 许士密( 1969— ) , 男, 山东滕州人, 博士研究生, 副教授, 主要从事文化哲学研究。
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