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 XU Jun,JIANG Hong,PAN Wei- qiang.A Comparative Research about Local Economic Development Promoted by Universities——Taking Changzhou and Wuxi as Examples[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2012,13(01):58-61.

高校推动地方经济发展比较研究 ——以常州、无锡为例 ()




A Comparative Research about Local Economic Development Promoted by Universities——Taking Changzhou and Wuxi as Examples
徐 军 姜 鸿 潘伟强
常州大学经济管理学院, 江苏常州213164
XU Jun JIANG Hong PAN Wei- qiang
Schoo l o f Economica l and Management , Cha ng zho u Univer sity , Changzhou 213164, China
高校 总需求与总供给曲线模型 供给机制 需求机制
university AD- AS curve model supply mechanism demand mechanism
G40- 054  
作为地方经济的重要载体, 高校从供给和需求两方面推动地方经济发展。高素质的人才培养和构建高效的校企联动科技 创新转化平台是提升高校推动地方经济竞争力的关键。通过在大学城设立以高校和企业作为共同主体的科技创新园, 可以增强校 企联动, 深化高校与企业的合作, 优化高校人才培养模式, 提高科技研发投入的利用效率, 促进高校更好地服务地方社会经济。 为此, 地方政府、高校和企业应加强联系, 加快构建以产学研为基础的科技创新平台的建设。
As an important carrier of local economy , universities promote local eco nomic dev elo pment from the aspects o f supply and demand. Cultiv at ing hig h qualif ied talents and establishing effect iv e plat form of science and technology innov at ion betw een univ ersities and enter prises are the key factors to promo te lo cal economic competit iveness. By establishing creat iv e technolog y park whose subject s are universit ies and enterprises in university tow n can promote univer sit ies to enhance the communication w ith enterprises, deepen their cooper at ion, opt imize the cult ivat ing model of univer sity talent s, promote the ut ilizat ion eff iciency of R&D input and st imulate univer sit ies to serve local economy. So local go ver nment , universities and enterprises sho uld enhance their communicat ion and speed up the const ruct ion o f scient ific and technical innovat io n plat form based o n the cooperation of pr oduct ion, study and research.


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作者简介: 徐 军( 1980—) , 男, 江苏海安人, 硕士, 讲师, 主要从事产业经济、利率风险管理研究。  基金项目: 常州大学高等职业教育研究院资助课题( CDGZ20100037) ; 常州科教城科研基金项目( K2010303)
更新日期/Last Update: 2012-03-25