ZHU Jing- zhi.The Literary Construction of the Image of Jizha
——A Comment on LU Hui- gen's Novel The Legend of Dun wei Prince Jizha[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2011,12(03):120-124.
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Literary Construction of the Image of Jizha
——A Comment on LU Hui- gen's Novel The Legend of Dun wei Prince Jizha
- 作者:
常州大学文法与艺术学院, 江苏常州213164
- Author(s):
ZHU Jing- zhi
Schoo l o f Humanities, Law and Ar t, Changzhou Univ ersity, Chang zho u 213164, China
- 关键词:
季札; 传奇; 文学; 突破
- Keywords:
Ji- zha ; legend; literature; breakthrough
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
圩墩王子季札传奇》是一部咏史匡政、标新立异的传奇文学大著, 在史传文学创作上实现了四个突破。一是塑造了季
札“人文始祖”、“春秋大贤”的艺术形象, 表现了“列国一统, 天下大同”的政治伦理主题; 二是再现了季札生活的那个年代的
社会面貌, 展示了春秋晚期的政治格局和时代精神; 三是演绎了曲折奇幻、巧合惊险的传奇故事, 实现了历史与文学相得益彰的
嫁接和合璧; 四是营造了奇异、浪漫而阔大的艺术化结构, 承载了传奇所要表现的重大主题和故事。
- Abstract:
T he Legend o f Dun w ei Pr ince Ji zha , w hich eulog izes the history and may conduce to goo d
go ver nance, is a g reat w ork and a no vel ty . It makes four signif icant breakthro ug hs in the wr it ing of
historical bio graphy . Fir st ly , it por tr ay s the art ist ic imag e of Ji zha as one “h umane primog enitor ”and
“sag e
of the Spring and Autumn period”,
and manifests the pol it ical ethic theme of “u nifying co unt ries,
harmonizing the w orld”.
Secondly , it reappears the social aspect s o f Ji zha' s t ime and reveals the polit ical
st ructure and the spirit of the age of the later Spring and Autumn period. T hirdly , it narrates a leg end full
of complicat ions, fantasies, coincidences and thrills, and r ealizes the integ rat io n of history and liter ature.
Fo urthly , it designs a fantastic, r omantic and gr and art ist ic structure and is laden w ith the g rand themes
and stories that a leg end needs to represent .
[1] 陆惠根. 圩墩王子季札传奇[M] . 南京: 江苏文艺出版社, 2010:
160- 300.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 朱净之( 1940—) , 男, 江苏涟水人, 教授, 主要从事文学、哲学史研究。
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