[1]郭华茹,蒋 霞.改善民生: 中国共产党的根本价值追求[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2011,12(03):1-4.
 GUO Hua- ru,JIANG Xia.To Improve People 's Livelihood: the Fundamental Value Pursuit of the CPC[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2011,12(03):1-4.

改善民生: 中国共产党的根本价值追求()




To Improve People 's Livelihood: the Fundamental Value Pursuit of the CPC
郭华茹 蒋 霞
常州大学文法与艺术学院, 江苏常州213164
GUO Hua- ru JIANG Xia
Scho ol of Humanities, Law and Ar t of Chang zhou Univ ersity, Cha ng zho u 213614, China
改善民生 中国共产党 价值追求
improv e people 's liv eliho od the CPC v alue pursui t
D261. 3
改善民生是中国最广大人民群众的根本利益之所在, 是中国共产党的根本价值追求。改善民生与“为人民服务”、“三个 有利于标准”、“三个代表” 重要思想和以人为本在精神实质上是一致的, 贯穿于中国共产党90年历史之中。改善民生, 不断满 足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要, 是以人为本的价值向度, 是中国共产党人民利益至上宗旨的具体体现。党与民贴心, 民与 党同心。中国最广大人民群众在中国共产党努力践行为人民服务宗旨, 不断改善民生的伟大实践和历史的反复比较中, 最终选择 了“跟共产党走” , 于是有了中国革命、建设和改革开放的伟大成就。中国共产党90年的历史, 就是一部全心全意为人民谋福祉 的历史, 就是不断提高和改善人民生活的历史
To improv e peo ple 's liv elihood is no t only the fundamental pro fit of the widest people but also the basic v alue pursuit o f the Communist Par ty of China. It co rrespo nds wi th the purpose of “ Serv ing the Peo ple” , the idea of “ three fav orables” , the important tho ugh t of “ Three Represents” , and the spi rit of “ Peo ple- o rienta tion” , w hich runs consistent ly through the 90- year histo ry of the CPC. To improv e people 's liv elihood, i. e. to ceaselessly meet the g rowing ma terial and cul tural needs o f the masses, i s the t rend of peo ple- o riented v alues and the co ncrete manifesta tion o f the aim o f the people 's interests as supremacy of the CPC. The party and the peo ple a re intima te, and the people al ly the pa rty concent rically. The broad masses of people ev entually cho se to "g o wi th the Communist Pa rty " af ter repeatedly compa ring the hi sto ry w ith the g rea t practice of serving the people a nd co ntinuously improv ing the peo ple 's liv eliho od o f the CPC. a nd then achiev ed the g reat success of the Chinese rev olutio n, const ruction a nd the reform a nd o pening- up . The 90- y ear history of the CPC. i s just a history of wholehea rtedly wo rking for people 's interests and co nstant ly improving the people 's liv ing standard as well.


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作者简介: 郭华茹( 1954— ) 女, 湖北襄阳人, 教授, 主要从事马克思主义中国化、思想政治教育研究。  基金项目: 江苏省哲学社会科学基金课题( 09DJD009)
更新日期/Last Update: 2011-09-25