 LIN Shu- jie,ZHU T ian- hua.Comparative Study on Financial Supervision Legal System of China and France and Its Implications[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2009,10(04):13-18.





Comparative Study on Financial Supervision Legal System of China and France and Its Implications
林树杰1 朱天华2
1. 中国人民大学法学院, 北京100872; 2. 中国人民大学书报资料中心, 北京100872
LIN Shu- jie1 ZHU T ian- hua2
1. Law School, Renmin Univ ersit y of China , Beijing 100872, China; 2. Information Center fo r So cial Science, Renmin Univ ersity of China, Beijing 100872, China
财政监督 预算 公共财政 审计监督
financial super vision budg et public f inance auditing supervisio n
F810. 2
法国形成了以议会宏观监督、财政部门日常业务监督、审计法院事后监督的分工明确、协调互补的财政监督体系。在法 治发达国家中, 法国政治经济体制与中国的相似程度最高, 借鉴法国财政监督法律制度的经验, 对完善中国财政监督法律制度是 大有裨益的。中国财政监督的改革方向应该是通过完善财政监督机构设置、明确其职权分工和程序保障来实现对财政的法律监 督, 把监督的重心从财政部门监督转移到人大的监督, 完善人大的监督机制, 建立直属于人大常委会的财政监督委员会, 使财政 监督权相对集中于中央, 审计机关独立于政府, 同时
France has formed a clear , co ordinated and ef f icient f inancial superv ision sy stem, w ith the parl iament operat ing the macro- superv ision, financial org an operating the daily supervision and the Court of Auditor operat ing the ex- post supervisio n. Among the developed countr ies w ith perfect legal systems, the polit ical and economic sy stems in France ar e, to a great ex tent , similar to that of China. It is ther efore of g reat benef icial to perfect China's f inancial supervision institution system by bor row ing France' successful experience. T he goal of China's financial supervision reform is to realize legal super vision on finance by perfect ing financial supervisio n inst itut ion establ ishment , confirming the div ision of funct ions and pow ers as w el l as the procedure guarantee. Meanw hile, the fo cus of the super vision should be t ransferred to the super vision o f the Nat ional People's Congress instead of the superv ision of the f inancial secto rs. In addit io n, the supervision mechanism is to be impro ved and a Special Financial Supervisor y Commission under the NPC Standing Commit tee to focus the power of f inancial supervision r elat ively on the Cent ral Gov ernment , and make the audit authority independent f rom the administ rative org ans. Simultaneously , the relat ion betw een the f inancial inter io r super vision and the audit bureau supervision should be w ell co ordinated.


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作者简介: 林树杰( 1981—) , 男, 广东汕头人, 博士研究生, 主要从事经济法、公司法研究。       朱天华( 1981—) , 女, 吉林长春人, 博士研究生, 主要从事社会保障、经济法研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-12-25