[1]朱净之.乱花渐欲迷人眼 —— 常州散文学会二十年作品综论[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2007,8(02):91-94.
 ZHU Jing- zhi.Flourishing Prose Schools - - Comment on the 20- yeas works of the Changzhou Prose Association[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2007,8(02):91-94.

乱花渐欲迷人眼 —— 常州散文学会二十年作品综论()




Flourishing Prose Schools - - Comment on the 20- yeas works of the Changzhou Prose Association
江苏工业学院法政系, 江苏常州213164
ZHU Jing- zhi
Depa rtment of Law and Po litics, Jia ng su Poly technic Univ ersity, Cha ng zho u Jia ng su, 213164
常州 散文 新时期 题材
Chang zhou pro se new era theme
I207. 6 
20年来, 江苏常州散文学会的作家作者, 出于对新生活的热爱和对社会的责任感, 创作发表了大量的散文作品, 出版了 近30部散文专集, 题材多样, 风格各异, 真实生动地反映了改革开放以来常州地区的社会进步和风情世态, 体现了全新的时代 精神, 并且形成了“实写” 和“虚写” 两个艺术流派。其中最具有思想深度的代表性的作家作品大致有六个类别: 文化散文、乡 土散文、旅游散文、社会散文、科教散文和世情散文。代表常州地区散文创作的成就, 也是新时期中国散文大观园中的一处靓丽 风景
Out of the lov e of new li fe and the respo nsibility for society , The w ri ters of the Chang zhou Prose Associatio n of Jiang su hav e crea ted a nd publi shed quite a lo t of pro se w orks including 30 collections of prose in the past 20 years. These w orks, w ith various themes and dif ferent w ri ting styles, vividly reflect the social dev elo pment and customs of Chang zhou dist rict since the refo rm and o pening up, and embo dy the new spi ri t of the times. The two arti stic schoo ls have been formed: “ Function Schoo l” and “ Form Scho ol” . The representa tiv e w orks can be div ided into six classificatio ns: prose on culture, pro se on nativ e la nd, pro se o n touri sm, prose o n society, prose on science and education, prose o n w ays of the w o rld. They reflect the achiev ement s of Chang zhou 's prose creatio n, and they alsofo rm a beautiful scenery of Chinese pro se ga rden in the new era.


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[2] 徐遗年. 乡魂旅思[M] . 北京: 中国文联出版社, 2002: 4.
[3] 陈知义. 云水万里[M] . 北京: 人民日报出版社, 2003: 1.
[4] 陆克寒. 滇之旅[N] . 杨子晚报. 2001- 5- 30 ( B8) .
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[6]王志兴. 纵横人生[M] . 北京. 中国文联出版社, 2003: 1.


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作者简介: 朱净之( 1940- ) , 男, 江苏涟水人, 教授, 主要从事文学、哲学和瞿秋白思想等方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-06-25