[1]张智峰,陈 鑫.区域金融生态环境建设的理论基础研究[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2005,6(04):31-33.
ZHANG Zhi- feng,CHEN Xin.The Theoretical Foundation of Financial Ecosystem Environment
Construction in the District[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2005,6(04):31-33.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
The Theoretical Foundation of Financial Ecosystem Environment
Construction in the District
- 作者:
张智峰1; 陈 鑫2
1. 天津财经大学金融学院, 天津300222; 2. 江苏工业学院工商管理系, 江苏常州213016
- Author(s):
ZHANG Zhi- feng; CHEN Xin
Schoo l o f Finance, Univer sity o f Economics and Finance of T ianjing , T ianjing 300222;
Business Administr atio n Depar tment, Jiangsu Po ly technic U niver sity , Chang zho u 213016, China
- 关键词:
生态; 金融生态; 区域金融生态环境; 金融可持续发展
- Keywords:
ecosystem; financial ecosystem; financial ecosy stem env ir onment in the dist rict ; f inancial
sustainable dev elo pment
- 分类号:
F830. 2
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
金融可持续发展的评价指标和金融可持续发展与环境的关系说明, 金融系统与环境之间存在密切的联系, 环境金融的协调
发展是金融业可持续发展的关键。区域金融生态环境建设, 如建立健全良好的社会信用体系, 法制保障体系, 完善的金融监管体
系, 有效的金融自律体系, 规范的中介服务体系, 严格的审计监督体系等是地区金融业可持续发展的有力保证。
- Abstract:
U nder the co ndit ion of market economy , financial ecosy stem environment in the dist rict is an
important facto r that influences the dev elo pment o f finance indust ry . In promot ing the development of
finance indust ry in the dist rict , it is signif icant to invest ig ate the theoret ical foundat ion of f inancial
ecosystem enviro nment const ruct ion in the dist rict . T his art icle f irst probes into the theoret ical origin and
meaning o f f inancial ecosystem, then analyses the theo retical fo undat ion of financial ecosy stem
enviro nment co nstr uct io n in the dist rict , finally puts forw ard realistic speculatio n o f financial ecosy stem
enviro nment const ruct ion in the dist rict .
[1] 白钦先. 论金融可持续发展[N] . 金融时报. 1998 - 6- 7
( 理论版) . 118.
[2] 刘仁武. 区域金融结构和金融发展理论与实证研究[M] . 北
京: 经济管理出版社, 2003. 43- 49.
[3] 胡章宏. 金融可持续发展论[M] . 北京: 中国金融出版社,
1998. 34.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 张智峰( 1979- ) , 男, 山西大同人, 博士研究生, 主要从事国际金融、虚拟经济研究;
陈 鑫( 1978- ) , 女, 山西晋城人, 教师, 主要从事宏观经济、财政理论与政策研究。
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