PU Jian- min.On the Practice of the Party- Administrated Co- Responsibi lity System
in Institutions of Higher Education in China[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2005,6(04):20-22.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
On the Practice of the Party- Administrated Co- Responsibi lity System
in Institutions of Higher Education in China
- 作者:
江苏工业学院工商管理系, 江苏常州213016
- Author(s):
PU Jian- min
Depar tment o f Business Administr atio n, Jiangsu Po lytehcnic Univer sity , Changzhou, 213016, Jiangsu, China
- 关键词:
高校院系; 党政工作; 领导体制
- Keywords:
department s o f univ er sit ies and colleg es; w ork of the Party and Administr at ive department ; co
- r esponsibility system
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
高校院系领导体制目前实行的是党政共同负责制。党组织与行政适当划分工作范围, 又共同负责院系领导工作, 既使党组
织能充分发挥组织领导和监督保证作用, 又使行政积极大胆地开展工作, 这种体制是落实高校党委领导下的校长负责制、深化院
系改革发展的内在要求。贯彻落实院系党政共同负责制, 要抓好领导班子的协调配合、完善制度及提高效率等工作。
- Abstract:
Now adays in China the Party - administr ated department and university co - respo nsibility
sy stem is pr act iced in higher educat ion. T he Party and administ rat ive depar tment that have divided the
normal daily w ork w hile co- responsible for superv ising the operat ion o f academic departments could not
only fully ex ercise the o rganizing and superv ising funct io ns o f the Party , but also encourage the
administ rat ive department to act ively under take its task. T his system is acquired internally by the
fulf illment of principal- responsible system led by the Party in hig her educat ion and fur ther development
of r eforming academic department s. With the view to accomplish the Party - administ rated co -
responsibility system, the leader gr oup must coo rdinate w ith each other internally and perfect the
mechanism to enhance the w orking ef ficiency .
[1] 苏忠保. 领导科学与艺术[M] . 北京: 清华大学出版社,
2004. 92- 98.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介: 浦建民( 1962- ) , 男, 江苏常熟人, 硕士, 副研究员, 主要从事高校教育管理研究。
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