 SHI Yi- hui.Historical Evolution of Children 's Value in Economic andMoral Perspectives inModern Western Societies[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2004,5(04):55-59.





Historical Evolution of Children 's Value in Economic andMoral Perspectives inModern Western Societies
江苏工业学院法政系, 江苏常州213016
SHI Yi- hui
Dept. of Politics and Law, Jiang su Po ly tech nic Univ er sity , Cha ng zho u 213016, China
原罪 童工 童年
primi tiv e sin child labo ur childho od
二十世纪儿童在国家与社会中获得了中心地位, 人们对于儿童的经济与道德价值的观念也发生了重大的改变。从16世纪 到19世纪, 从道德和经济的角度对儿童价值的评价在西方社会的童年观中占据了主导地位。前者受到宗教的原罪观的影响, 要 求对所有儿童的天性予以抑制; 后者主要针对下层儿童, 造成了长期存在的对儿童劳动的剥削现象。到了19世纪中后期, 对儿 童价值的传统的道德和经济评价受到了质疑, 儿童的经济价值逐渐被摈弃, 道德评价也被新的情感价值所取代。
Children came to be in the center o f sta te and society in the 20th century af ter the co ncept of childhood had ev olv ed fo r centuries. From the 16th to 19th century, the mo ral evaluatio n a nd economic estima tion o f children domina ted the w estern society. The fo rmer was inf luenced g reat ly by the religious view point of primi tiv e sin, w hich was mea nt to inhibi t the natural tendency of chi ldren, while th e lat ter resul ted in la rge - scale exploitatio n of child labo r. How ev er, the t raditional mo ral and economic considerations o f childho od had been questio ned since the mid nineteenth century. Children w ere no lo ng er considered to hav e any economic v alue, and emotio nal v alue substi tuted for the moral evaluation.


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作者简介: 施义慧( 1970- ) , 女, 江苏淮安人, 副教授, 博士研究生, 主要从事中国及欧美近现代史研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-12-25