 Zhu Ming.A study of Interactional Strategies in Foreign Language Classroom[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2002,3(04):60-63.





A study of Interactional Strategies in Foreign Language Classroom
江苏石油化工学院外语系, 江苏常州213016
Zhu Ming
Department of Foreign Languag es, Jiangsu Pe trochemica l Institute o f Technolog y
外语课堂 互动策略 意义协商 语言习得
fo reig n lang uag e classroom interactional st rategies meaning of nego tia tion lang uag e acquisition
G423. 07 
本文以课堂话语结构IRF作为框架, 描述性地研究了外语课堂教学的互动策略。研究结果表明: 教师应该营造“双向交 流” 的氛围, 引导学生多参与课堂活动, 鼓励意义协商, 使学生在进行更多语言输出的同时获得更多可理解的语言输入, 从而促 进语言习得。
Based on the classroom discourse structure IRF, thi s paper giv es a descriptiv e research o f interactio nal st ra tegies in fo reig n la nguage classro om. The resea rch indicates that a teacher should create tw ow ay communica tio n atmosphere, g uide


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作者简介: 朱铭( 1966- ) 女, 四川内江人, 高级讲师, 主要从事应用语言学和外语教学理论的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2002-12-25