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 Zhao Jing,Wu Cisheng,Xu Jing.On the Multifaceted Synergic Relationship of Physical Capital and Intellectual Capital —From the Literature Review Perspective[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2019,20(06):74-82.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2019.06.008]





On the Multifaceted Synergic Relationship of Physical Capital and Intellectual Capital —From the Literature Review Perspective
赵 静吴慈生徐 静
Zhao Jing Wu Cisheng Xu Jing
知识资本 物质资本 协同关系
intellectual capital physical capital synergic relationship
With the extensive application of synergetics to economic growth theory, it is found out that the impetus of economic development comes from the synergic effects of multiple capital elements. Though neo-institutional economics and new economic growth theory prove that the economic development depends on the synergy between physical capital and intellectual capital from different angles, according to the theory of synergetics, the synergic relationship exists not only among different capitals but also among the subsystems of capitals and capital elements. As the intellectual capital is composed of human capital, innovative capital, social capital and structural capital, on the basis of the induction and summarization of the composition of intellectual capital, the synergy among physical capital and elements of intellectual capital is revealed forwardly, that is, the synergic relationship among physical capital and human capital, innovative capital and so on.


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作者简介:赵静,安徽农业大学经济管理学院讲师,合肥工业大学管理学院博士研究生; 吴慈生,合肥工业大学管理学院教授、博士研究生导师; 徐静,合肥工业大学人文素质中心副教授。
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-30