 Chen Kuiqing,Ma Yue,Zhu Qingwen.The Structure and Measurement of Entrepreneurial Leadershipin Chinese Context[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2019,20(03):55-67.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2019.03.007]





The Structure and Measurement of Entrepreneurial Leadershipin Chinese Context
Chen KuiqingMa YueZhu Qingwen
entrepreneurial leadership Chinese context scale development
The frequent occurrence of entrepreneurial activities has aroused the growing interest in the concept of “entrepreneurial leadership”. On the basis of combing the development process of entrepreneurial leadership theory and by the use of qualitative research method in grounded theory, it explores the distinctive connotation of entrepreneurial leadership in Chinese context and develops the measurement scale of entrepreneurial leadership. Entrepreneurial leadership in Chinese context includes five dimensions, namely, situational consideration, flexible decision-making, business network construction, inspirational motivation and innovative stimulation in which flexible decision-making reflects the localized characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership in Chinese context. Based on the conceptual structure mode, the entrepreneurial leadership scale is developed. The empirical study demonstrates that all indexes in the scale meet the required standard and show high-level reliability and validity.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-06-28