[1]赵美珍.中国环境监管体系建设: 模式构想与结构分析[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2011,12(02):16-20.
 ZHAO Mei- zhen.Construction of Chinese Environmental Supervision System: Pattern Conceive and Structure Analysis[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2011,12(02):16-20.

中国环境监管体系建设: 模式构想与结构分析()




Construction of Chinese Environmental Supervision System: Pattern Conceive and Structure Analysis
常州大学文法与艺术学院, 江苏常州213164
ZHAO Mei- zhen
Scho ol of Humanities, Law a nd Art , Chang zhou Univer sity , Changzhou 213164, China
环境监管 模式 监管主体 监管对象 监管关系
environmental super vision pat tern superv ision subject supervisio n o bject supervision relatio n
加强环境监管, 减轻环境污染和破坏, 保障全人类的环境利益已成为人们的共识。现行各种单一监管模式局限性较大, 应当构建一套以政府监管为主协议监管为辅、社会监管为主自我监管为辅的监管模式体系, 这种刚柔相济、内外结合的环境监管 模式体系需具备合理的结构和功能, 既能兼顾监管主体的利益诉求, 又能有利于对企业环境行为的有效监管。在监管模式体系中 存在4 种监管关系。政府监管体现管理关系, 目的是保障全社会的环境利益; 协议监管体现契约关系, 关键是尊重企业利益; 社 会监管体现外部关系, 主要是重视行业自律; 自我监管体现内部关系, 核心是强调企业的环境责任。
St reng thening supervisio n, reducing env ir onmental po llution and protect ing the env ironment benef it of mankind have become a consensus. Div ersified sing le supervision pat tern has the disadvantage of limitations, the superv ision system which main bo dy are g overnmental supervision and so cial supervision, and aux iliar ies are consultat ive supervision and self super vision should be established. T his kind of superv ision pat tern united r ig idity and flex ibility and combined inside w ith out side should have reasonable st ructure and function, w hich take account of the interest s o f supervision subject and benefit to the effect iv e supervision of enter prise env ir onmental act ion. There are four kinds of supervision relations in the superv ision pat tern system, i. e. g overnmental supervision, consultat ive super vision, social supervision and self superv ision. Governmental super vision embodies manag ing relatio ns, it s aim is to ensure social enviro nmental interest s. Consultat iv e superv ision embodies cont ract relat ions, it s key is to respect enterpr ise interest s. Social supervisio n embodies ex ter nal relat ions, it s main aim is to attach importance to pr ofession self - discipline. Self supervision embodies internal r elat ions, it s core is to emphasize the enterpr ise enviro nment responsibility .


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作者简介: 赵美珍( 1964—) , 女, 江西九江人, 硕士, 教授, 主要从事环境与资源保护法研究。  基金项目: 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目( 08JJD820167) 、江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目          ( 09SJB820006) 、江苏工业学院文科发基金项目( JW200902)
更新日期/Last Update: 2011-06-25