[1]刘颖.互联网使用对老年人参与体育锻炼的作用机制——基于CGSS 2021数据的实证研究[J].常州大学学报(社会科学版),2024,25(06):99-108.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2024.06.010]
 Liu Ying.The Influencing Mechanism of Internet Use on Physical Exercise Participation among the Elderly: An Empirical Study Based on CGSS 2021 Data[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2024,25(06):99-108.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-042X.2024.06.010]

互联网使用对老年人参与体育锻炼的作用机制——基于CGSS 2021数据的实证研究()




The Influencing Mechanism of Internet Use on Physical Exercise Participation among the Elderly: An Empirical Study Based on CGSS 2021 Data
Liu Ying
老年人 互联网使用 体育锻炼 健康信息搜寻
elderly Internet use physical exercise health information search
参与体育锻炼不仅能有效提升老年人的健康水平,还能强化老年人的社会适应能力,实现健康老龄化。基于2021年中国综合社会调查(Chinese General Social Survey,CGSS)数据,使用Probit模型探究互联网使用对老年人参与体育锻炼的频率和强度的影响及作用机制。研究结果表明,互联网使用能够显著提升老年人参与体育锻炼的频率和强度。影响机制分析显示,健康信息搜寻是互联网使用提升老年人参与体育锻炼频率和强度的中介渠道。应加快体育公共服务均等化建设、开展老年群体互联网使用技能和健康信息素养培训、加大网络健康信息监管力度,以增加老年人参与体育锻炼的频率,增加老年人参与体育锻炼的强度。
Engaging in physical exercise not only significantly enhances the health of the elderly but also bolsters their social adaptability, thereby fostering healthy aging. Drawing upon the data of the China General Social Survey in the year of 2021(CGSS 2021), this study employs the Probit model to scrutinize the effects and influencing mechanism of Internet use on the frequency and intensity of physical exercise participation among the elderly. The research findings indicate that Internet use significantly increases the frequency and intensity of physical exercise participation among the elderly. Influencing mechanism analysis reveals that health information search serves as a mediating channel through which Internet use enhances the frequency and intensity of elderly physical exercise participation. Efforts should be made to accelerate the equalization of public sports services, implement training programs to improve Internet usage skills and health information literacy among the elderly, and strengthen the regulation of online health information to further enhance the frequency and intensity of physical exercise participation among the elderly.


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