 SHI Guo- dong,JIANG Bi- biao,GONG Fang- hong.On New Round of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation in Col leges and Universities[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Social Science Edition),2010,11(04):61-63.





On New Round of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation in Col leges and Universities
史国栋1 蒋必彪2 龚方红3
1. 常州大学党委办公室, 江苏常州213164; 2. 常州大学校长办公室, 江苏常州213164; 3. 常州大学人事处, 江苏常州213164
SHI Guo- dong 1 JIANG Bi- biao2 GONG Fang- hong 3
1. Par ty Committee Office, Changzhou Univ ersit y, Chang zhou 213164, China; 2. The President's Office, Changzhou Univ ersit y, Changzhou 213164, China ; 3. Per sonnel Depar tment, Cha ng zho u Univer sity , Chang zho u 213164, China
高等学校 教学质量 审核式评估
co lleg es and universit ies teaching quality audit- type assessment
G40- 058. 1
随着高等教育规模的扩展, 高等教育质量问题日益引起社会各界的重视, 教育教学评估成为评判以及提高高等学校本科 办学水平及教学质量的有效途径之一。高等教育评估领域公认的最有影响的评估模式主要有认证式评估、分等式评估、审核式评 估。新一轮评估将主要采用审核式评估模式, 这种模式主要考察学校是否建立了与其办学目标密切相关的管理科学、运行有效、 效果良好的内部质量保证体系。由此, 高校必须进一步建立健全行之有效的教育质量内部监督评估体系, 形成高校本科教育质量 不断提高的长效机制。
With the expansion of scale o f higher educat ion, the teaching quality has become a major social co ncer n. T he teaching evaluat io n has been one of the effect ive w ays to judge and improve the educational level and the teaching quality . The acknow ledged and influent ial mo dels in the field o f higher educat io n are cert ification assessment , g rading assessment and audit- ty pe assessment . In the new round of evaluat ion, the third model w ill be adopted to rev iew w hether the schoo l has established the scient ific, effect iv e quality co nt rol system relevant to its educat io n object . Accordingly , co lleg es and universit ies must go further to build and perfect the ef f icient inw ard monitoring and evaluat ion sy stem for the quality of the educat ion and fo rm the long- term mechanism of co nt inuously improv ing the qual ity of undergraduate educat ion.


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作者简介: 史国栋( 1956—) , 男, 江苏溧阳人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事高等教育管理与教学研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25